

           INTRODUCTION                My name is Alexander Carvajal Urrego. I´m 40 years old. I´m from Barranquilla city and   I´m a student of Bachelor Degree in English as a foreign language, and this a resume of my pedagogical experience.        In the first class session, I tried to communicate the program of the class entirely in Enlish language, but it was not possible, the students had a very low level, they expressed  feeling scared and pressured, every time that I made a question. Obviously, they didn´t have neither the developed skills nor the tools to understand a class entirely in English. So I said, "don´t feel pressured, this is a chance, you have all the freedom in the whole world to commit mistakes, don´t try to be perfect, just try to listen, and just dare to speak, don´t be silent, if you don´t commit mistakes it´s because you don´t even try".    ...
LANGUAGE AND CULTURE FINAL ACTIVITY ALEXANDER CARVAJAL- CODE: 72254610 GRUPO: 551036A_612 TUTOR: CARLOS ALBERTO PEÑA UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL ABIERTA Y A DISTANCIA BACHELOR DEGREE IN ENGLISH AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE JULY 2019 INTRODUCTION     Language is the most powerful way in communication world. It improves the quality of life and shows how people from different places live and think. Because of sociability of human being, language is one of the vital factors that influence human life progress. Language and culture link together but also act as a significant feature in intercommunication so we can claim that language is a vital factor in cultural interaction. The relationship between language and culture is inevitable. They are inter-related and impact on each other in different ways. Kramsch identifies three ways how language and culture are bound together. First, language ex...

Unit 2 Task 5 :Forum for Task 5 TRANSLATION TECHNIQUES

MEMBERS: ALEXANDER CARVAJAL  72254610  ANDRES MAURICIO QUINTERO  1.091.674.086 SULLY DEL CARMEN TEJADA  1.043.842.981 DIANA PATRICIA  TRUJILLO  45780765 MARO ALBERTO NAVARRO  1042994304 TASK 2. ESSAY  Choose one of the following postulates and write an essay about 200 – 300 words: Andrés Mauricio Quintero Pabón  INTRODUCTION     The translations have been used by the students at the moment of reading or making a written document or speaking, since it helps them to have a clearest idea or comprehension of what they are listening, reading or writing. Every translation has one or more purposes whichever it is, the main aim of translation is to serve as a cross-cultural bilingual communication vehicle among peoples. In the past few decades, this activity has developed because of rising international trade, increased migration, globalization, the recognition of linguistic minor...